Academic Projects

The following is the list of academic projects (related to courses taken), that I have worked on.

Few-shot learning using MAML and Protonets

Meta-learning, MAML, Prototype learning, E9-333, ADRL, IISc, 2022

What happens when you have a huge number of classes and a few data points for each class (like omniglot )? You need few-shot/meta-learning where you learn initializations of weights using tasks. This is done for N classes having k examples each. The model must do well with a small k for any combination of N classes (potentially new) (and a support set).

In this project I implemented MAML and Prototype Learning (2 popularly used few-shot learning algorithms).

Domain Adversarial Neural Networks

Domaian Adaptation, DANN, E9-333, ADRL, IISc, 2022

All machine learning algorithm assumes that the train and test data comes from the same distribution. For example, when we train a classifier on handwritten digits of the USPS dataset, it performs much poorer on the MNIST dataset. In DANN, this is solved adversarially by using the a discriminator network (identifies data from source and target domain) that forces the feature extractor to produce similar features for both the domains.

Diffusion Models, Conditional Diffusion Models

Generative Models, Deep Representation Learning, E9-333, ADRL, IISc, 2022

Diffusion Models take data from a distribution, gradually adds gaussian noise, until a map to an isotropic gaussian is obtained. For small mixing parameters, the reverse process is also Markov. This assumption helps us come up with a model that can leran the backward process, i.e., given isotropic gaussian noise, it can run steps of langevin dynamics (backward/also known as denoising) to generate images from the train distribution.


Generative Models, Vector Quantized VAEs, GANs, E9-333, ADRL, IISc, 2022

VQ-VAEs and DC-GANs are widely used generative models today. Vector Quantized VAEs, intuits that every image that we see today is discrete and quantized. It comes up with the idea that it is possible to represent most signals with a combination of fixed length codebook. The output of the Encoder is thus quantized into vectors in the code-book (which are themselves learnt). The decoder is made to reconstruct the image from its quantized version.

Safe RL with Curriculam Learning

Safe Reinforcement Learning, student-teacher based RL, E1-277, RL, IISc, 2022

Traditional reinforcement learning algorithms learn about a dangerous states only after the agent has been in such states enough to impact the value function. But learning for such algorithms become dangerous. For example, we don’t want cars to learn to drive safely, only after it has met an accident.

Natural Language Inference

NLP, Deep Learning, E0-270, ML, IISc, 2022

In this NLP problem, the the algorithm needs to identify if the hypothesis derived from a sentence is an entailment (follows), contradiction (is opposite), or neutral (independent sentence and hypothesis).

Social Networking Site for Sports Lovers

Java-Based Social Media Website, Web Development, B.E., JU, 2020

Developed a java-based web application that allows user to follow their favourite teams/players and predict results of future matches. Based on the predictions the users are given rankings. It has a win predictor. There is a web-socket based chat feature that allows users to make groups, chat with other users, and even participate in public chatrooms pertaining to current sports events.

You can find the implementation of the website here.

For more details about my projects, please look at my Resume (2022), and visit my Github account.